About Us
At our specialty and compounding pharmacy, we take pride in our commitment to the highest standards of patient care, safety, and quality. One of the ways we demonstrate this dedication is through our prestigious accreditations, which set us apart from other pharmacies.
The Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC) accreditation emphasizes our dedication to delivering exceptional healthcare services and outcomes, which means you can trust our expertise in patient care.
The Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) accreditation underscores our unwavering dedication to upholding the highest levels of patient care and service quality. This accreditation covers specialty, sterile and non-sterile compounding, and hazardous drug handling.
The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) accreditation recognizes our compliance with strict pharmacy standards to provide an advanced level of patient care service and dedication to reduce the risks associated with compounding practices and medication safety.
The Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB) accreditation ensures that we adhere to the most rigorous compounding standards, guaranteeing that every customized medication we prepare is safe and effective. Only 1% of compounding pharmacies in the country are PCAB accredited.
The Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC) accreditation emphasizes our dedication to delivering exceptional healthcare services and outcomes, which means you can trust our expertise in patient care.
This accreditation takes 10-12 months and is a 5-step process, one of the processes includes an on-site visit to the pharmacy. The committee that reviews applications is composed of experts in health care relevant to their specialty. More detailed information can be found at: Texas and Georgia
The Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) accreditation underscores our unwavering dedication to upholding the highest levels of patient care and service quality. This accreditation covers specialty, sterile and non-sterile compounding, and hazardous drug handling.
This accreditation consists of a 5-day review of different surveyors, who are all licensed pharmacists, to evaluate our process, documentation, and expertise. Within 3-7 months, an unannounced surveyor will show up to see if the pharmacy is still in compliance as shown from the 5-day review - if yes, the accreditation is given. More detailed information per location can be found at: Texas and Georgia
The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) accreditation recognizes our compliance with strict pharmacy standards to provide an advanced level of patient care service and dedication to reduce the risks associated with compounding practices and medication safety.
To be eligible for this accreditation, the licensed pharmacy must be in the United States with a current, active license in good standing. To get this accreditation, the pharmacy needs to demonstrate that they’re in compliance with United States Pharmacopeia (USP). USP 795: able to compound quality non-sterile preparations (such as creams or capsules) USP 797: able to compound sterile medications to ensure patient benefit and reduce risks (such as injections or eye drops) USP 800: able to demonstrate how to handle hazardous drugs More detailed information can be found at: nabp.pharmacy
The Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB) accreditation ensures that we adhere to the most rigorous compounding standards, guaranteeing that every customized medication we prepare is safe and effective. Only 1% of compounding pharmacies in the country are PCAB accredited.
Established and led by eight national pharmacy organizations:
The Professional Compounding Centers of America is a leading organization dedicated to advancing our pharmacy with access to cutting-edge compounding innovations, educational resources, and a network of compounding professionals to ensure we deliver the highest quality customized medications to our patients. More detailed information can be found at: pccarx.com
Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding is a vital organization that brings together various stakeholders in the compounding industry, promoting collaboration and advocacy to protect and advance the practice of pharmacy compounding, ensuring our pharmacy’s ability to provide safe, individualized medications to meet our patients’ unique healthcare needs, while also staying informed about regulatory changes and emerging industry issues. More detailed information can be found at: a4pc.org
The National Home Infusion Association is a crucial organization for our pharmacy, as it fosters the growth and improvement of home infusion services, offering us opportunities to stay updated on best practices, quality standards, and industry trends to enhance our home infusion services, providing patients with convenient, safe, and effective healthcare solutions in their own homes. More detailed information can be found at: nhia.org
The accreditations and participation in several organizations serve as a testament to our unwavering commitment to your well-being, assuring you that when you choose our pharmacy, you are choosing a partner dedicated to your health, safety, and satisfaction.